Level #6 complete (25.01.2016 – 07.02.2016)

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  1. Horror w Arkham: Czarna Koza z lasu



  1. Premiery gier w 2016 r.: wydania polskie
  2. Premiery gier w 2016 r.: gry karciane (zagraniczne)
  3. Premiery gier w 2016r.: Gry planszowe (zagraniczne)


Plany wydawnicze:


  1. Mistfall:  Heart of the Mists (eng) [NSKN Games]
  2. In the name of Odin (eng) [NSKN Games]
  3. Dragonsgate College (eng) [NSKN Gams]
  4. This War of Mine [samopublikacja]
  5. Lisboa (eng) [Eagle-Gryphon Games]
  6. Lunarchitects (eng) [Iron Kitten Games]
  7. Odbudowa Warszawy [FGH]
  8. Steam Ship Company (eng) [PD-Verlag]
  9. Word’s Fair 1893 (eng) [Foxtrot Games, Renegade Game Studios]
  10. Nina & Pinta (eng) [Ragnar Brothers]
  11. Victorian Masterminds (eng) [Space Cowboys]
  12. Anachrony (eng) [Mindclash Games]
  13. Simurgh [Wydawnictwo Baldar]
  14. Solarius Mission (niem) [Spielworxx]
  15. Inis (fr) [Matagot, Pegasus Spiele]
  16. Scythe (eng) [Stonemaier Games]
  17. Talisman: The Cataclysm (eng) [Fantasy Flight Games]
  18. Star Wars: Rebelia [Galakta, Fantasy Flight Games]
  19. Hoax (eng) [Fantasy Flight Games]
  20. Game of Thrones: The Trivia Game (eng) [Fantasy Flight Games]
  21. Elder Sign: Omens of Ice (eng) [Fantasy Flight Games]
  22. Mafia: Vandetta (eng) [Fantasy Flight Games]
  23. Gra o tron: Gra karciana – Droga do Winterfell [Galakta]
  24. Gra o tron: Gra karciana – Królewski Pokój [Galakta]
  25. Gra o tron: Gra karciana – Nie ma ziemi niczyjej [Galakta]
  26. Talisman: Zwiastun [Galakta]
  27. Misja: Czerwona Planeta [Galakta]
  28. Runebound [Galakta]
  29. Warhammer Quest: Przygodowa Gra Karciana [Galakta]
  30. T.I.M.E. Stories: A Prophecy of Dragons (eng) [Space Cowboys]
  31. Battle fof Sularia (eng) [Punch-It Entertainment LLC]
  32. Cultists of Cthulhu (eng) [Sixpence Games]
  33. Ancient Aliens: Creators of Civilizations (eng) [Gamia Games]
  34. Mastery: Become a Hero (eng) [Gamia Games]
  35. Conan (eng) [Monolith]
  36. Thunder &Lightning (eng) [Z-Man Games]
  37. Mythos Tales (eng) [8th Summit]
  38. Draconis Invasion (eng) [samo publikacja]
  39. Xenoshyft: Dreadmire (eng) [Cool Mini or Not]
  40. Chronicles: Origins (eng) [Artana]
  41. Apocrypha Adventure Card Game (eng) [Lone Shark Games]
  42. Pillars of Eternity: Lords of the Eastern Reach (eng) [Zero Radius Games]
  43. Salvation Road (eng) [Van Ryder Games]
  44. Firefly Fluxx (eng) [Looney Labs]
  45. Defenders od the Last Stand (eng) [8th Summit]
  46. Rise of Cthulhu: Dark Secrets (eng) [samo publikacja]
  47. Virus T (eng) [Giochix.it]
  48. Sword & Sorcery (eng) [Areas Games, Gremlin Project]
  49. First Martians: Adventure on the Red Planet (eng) [Portal Games]
  50. Gloomhaven (eng) [Cephalofair Games]
  51. Dziedzictwo: Testament Diuka de Crecy – Pięć rodzin [Portal Games]
  52. Lil’ Cthulhu (eng) [De-Evolution Studios]
  53. Mistborn: House War (eng) [Crafty Games]
  54. Pandemic: Reign of Cthulhu (eng) [Z-Man Games]


Nowe polecane strony:

Fantasy Flight Games

Wszystkie nowo dodane gry do zakładki plany wydawnicze będą na bieżąco aktualizowane, a w tym tygodniu pewnie pojawi się też kilka nowych pozycji.

A w najbliższym czasie postaramy się wrzucić recenzje pozostałych dodatków do Arkham oraz może jakieś porównanie Horroru w Arkham i Eldritcha.

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